Internship Spotlights

Written by Sigma Alpha Sisters

Our sisters

The other thing that drives my passion for agriculture is the idea of family. I see family both as my family that I live and farm with and the entire agriculture industry. As someone from a very large farming family, agriculture was a way of life before I even took my first steps. I am a 5th generation farmer on my family farm that was started by my great-great grandparents. My family is built on agriculture with a common goal that unites us, to not only feed the world, but to feed our neighbors. I also believe that agriculture goes beyond the four walls of our house, and that every single person in the agriculture industry is family. We all work together in one way or another to feed the world. We are coming up with the newest ideas and we work to make each other better everyday. The agriculture family serves, the agriculture family works hard, and the agriculture family loves this industry.

Sigma alpha sisters

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Purdue sophomore in Agricultural Communication & Agricultural Sales & Marketing